In Africa slave were traded for weapons and other things, so the
tribes of Africa would
catch people from
other tribes and sell them to slave traders. This would tear the African people from their families and cause emotional damage.

Then they were
put into cages with hardly any food or water for as long as it took for a ship to get there. Then they were
loaded onto ships and crammed very tightly onto the bottom of the ships. Many
people died from
disease or malnutrition during the journey.

The ones who survived the journey
went through painful examinations to be placed at a pay grade and then
auctioned off to the highest bidder. When they got to the farm they
chained together in the field to
prevent escape.

They were
wiped if they did not do the right thing or they did not work up to standard. Some slaves were even
killed. The brutality these people faced was horrific.
This really helps...Im doing a project on this..